Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Abstract-Phonon spectroscopy with chirped shear and compressive acoustic pulses

C. L. Poyser, W. B. York, D. Srikanthreddy, B. A. Glavin, T. L. Linnik, R. P. Campion, A. V. Akimov, and A. J. Kent

Picosecond duration compressive and shear phonon wavepackets injected into (311) GaAs slabs transform after propagation through \sim1 mm into chirped acoustic pulses with a frequency increasing in time due to phonon dispersion. By probing the temporal optical response to coherent phonons in a near surface layer of the GaAs slab, we show that phonon chirping opens a transformational route for high-sensitivity terahertz and sub-terahertz phonon spectroscopy. Temporal gating of the chirped phonon pulse allows the selection of a narrow band phonon spectrum with a central frequency up to \SI{0.4}{\tera \hertz} for longitudinal and \SI{0.2}{\tera \hertz} for transverse phonons.

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