Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Abstract-A Tunable Eight-Wavelength Terahertz Modulator Based on Photonic Crystals

K. Ji, H. Chen, W. Zhou, Y. Zhuang, J. Wang

We propose a tunable eight-wavelength terahertz modulator based on a structure of triple triangular lattice photonic crystals by using photonic crystals in the terahertz regime. The triple triangular lattice was formed by nesting circular, square, and triangular dielectric cylinders. Three square point defects were introduced into the perfect photonic crystal to produce eight defect modes. GaAs was used as the point defects to realize tunability. We used a structure with a reflecting barrier to achieve modulation at high transmission rate. The insertion loss and extinction ratio were 0.122 and 38.54 dB, respectively. The modulation rate was 0.788 dB. The performance of the eightwavelength terahertz modulator showed great potential for use in future terahertz communication systems.

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