Wei Chen, Qingli Zhou, Chenyu Li, Lan Shi, Changxiang Liu, Cunlin Zhang
Artificial metamaterials with appropriate design
can exhibit unique electromagnetic phenomena which do not exist in natural
materials. Some studies have shown that the method of breaking the geometric
symmetry is capable to modify the electromagnetic responses. Here, we simulated
and measured the transmission spectra of period arrays of subwavelength
double-bar structure. The obtained results show the trapped-mode resonance with
Fano-shaped spectrum can be induced in terahertz metamaterial with asymmetric double-bar
structure, accompanied with a metamaterial induced transparency window between
two resonant dips. And the bar spacing and lattice constant have great impact
on the coupling strength concerned with the transparency position and spectral
lineshape. We attribute there are two mechanisms together determine the
coupling pattern between the bar array and the terahetz wave, the coupling
between the bars of the same unit cell and the coupling between the bars of the
neighbouring cells. Our obtained results indicate that such metamaterial with
very simple configuration could also provide the potential application in the
field of terahertz slow-light devices, amplitude and phase modulators.
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