Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Abstract-The effect of stimulated interband emission on the impurity-assisted far-infrared photoluminescence in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells

I.S.Makhov, V.Yu. Panevin, A.N.Sofronov, D.A.Firsov, L.E.Vorobjev, M.Ya.Vinnichenko, A.P.Vasil'ev, N.A.Maleev

Emission of far- and near-infrared radiations in the n-GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well nanostructures under interband photoexcitation of electron-hole pairs is studied at low lattice temperatures. Optical transitions of nonequilibrium electrons involving donor impurity states in quantum wells are revealed in far- and near-infrared emission spectra. Intensive optical pumping allows to observe near-infrared stimulated emission related to the radiative recombination of electrons from the ground donor state and holes from the valence subband in quantum wells. The possibility of the intensity increase of impurity-assisted far-infrared radiation due to effective depopulation of donor states with interband stimulated emission in quantum wells is demonstrated.

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