Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Monday, August 10, 2015

Abstract-Nonlinear terahertz properties of n-type quantum-well heterostructures

Batista, A.A. ;  Tamborenea, P.I. ; Birnir, B. ; Citrin, D.S.
Sch. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Georgia Inst. of Technol., Atlanta, GA, USA ;

In this letter, we study the effect of many body interactions on the collective response of confined electrons in doped quantum-well (QW) heterostructures to intense far-infrared radiation. Absorption lineshapes are computed both by numerically integrating the equations of motion and by using the appropriately time-averaged equations. For a two-subband double-QW system optical bistability is observed and its parameter range is given. For an asymmetric triple-QW structure driven at ω≈E2-E0Hopf bifurcations occur which generate a strong response at a frequency incommensurate with the drive frequency or any natural frequency of the system

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