Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Abstract (and free article)-Accelerator- and laser-based sources of high-field terahertz pulses

Nikola Stojanovic1 and Markus Drescher2

At present we are witnessing a rapid development of sources for terahertz (THz) pulses with very strong electromagnetic fields. These pulses are reaching a stage where they can be used to not only probe, but also uniquely control a variety of processes that range from fundamental dynamics in individual atoms and molecules, through phase transitions in solids to a wealth of interactions in biological materials. In this review, we are presenting an overview of two major directions in the generation of such radiation. Large-scale accelerator-based sources offer unprecedented pulse energies coupled with a wide tuning range and extreme repetition rates. Laser-based sources, on the other hand, are laboratory-scale instruments and thus are very attractive in their availability to the wide scientific community. The capabilities of different variants of these THz sources are evaluated and compared with each other. In addition, powerful techniques for the temporal characterization of THz pulses are discussed.

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