M Zachmann1, M D Croitoru1,3, A Vagov1, V M Axt1, T Papenkort2 and T Kuhn2
1 Theoretische Physik III, Universität Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany
2 Institut für Festkörpertheorie, Universität Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10, D-48149 Münster, Germany
3 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
Within a density-matrix formalism based on the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) model and the Bogoliubov–de Gennes equations we provide a description of the dynamics of the non-equilibrium superconducting pairing induced by a terahertz (THz) laser pulse in bulk and quasi-one-dimensional (1D) samples of conventional (BCS-type) superconductors. A cross-over from an adiabatic to a non-adiabatic regime takes place for short and intense THz pulses. In the non-adiabatic regime, the order parameter performs a damped oscillation. We discuss how the parameters of the THz pulse influence the amplitude and the mean value of the oscillation in bulk samples. It is demonstrated that for high intensities the non-adiabatic regime can be reached even for pulses longer than the oscillation period. For the 1D samples we find that the oscillation may attenuate with a different power law. This is analysed by comparing the THz-induced dynamics with the dynamics induced by a sudden switching of the pairing strength, which exhibits essentially the same behaviour. The numerical calculations show that the exponent of the power law depends critically on the density of states in the Debye window and therefore changes in an oscillatory way with the confinement strength. Irregularities in the decay of the oscillation are predicted when the 1D quantum wire is cut short to an elongated zero-dimensional quantum dot structure.
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